The most important issue, along with using 99.999% pure silver is electrolysing it into the purest water obtainable. This is the area where many home brewers fall short. Most store bought purified water, and even rain water, would in most cases not be pure enough to avoid the formation of silver compounds (which are not readily eliminated by the body as any excess pure silver would be).
Knowing how to make colloidal silver of superior quality also requires equipment that can produce a predominently ionic solution of very small particle size for greater therapeutic effectiveness.
If one plans to use colloidal silver on a very regular basis and is willing to invest in a good generator and ppm meter, using them knowledgably and with care, then the DIY option is a good one.
Most of us are very capable of baking our own bread, growing our own food, even making our own clothes if we have sufficient time and interest to devote to these activities. The reality is most of us chose to use the services and experience of others in most areas. Additionally, in-depth study and higher grade equipment can make services of others a better option.
SALUD has a great deal of experience in producing a consistently high-grade product using state-of-the-art equipment that purifies water to semi-conductor grade i.e. absolute purity. This liquid is used in all SALUD's colloidal silver products.
If learning how to make colloidal silver is an exciting prospect for you then by all means, get involved. Otherwise, be assured that SALUD provides the service of producing a quality product made with exacting care at very reasonable prices.